
The Stock Market’s Biggest Winners are Getting Downgraded by Wall Street

The stock market has experienced a remarkable rebound in 2023, particularly in the tech sector. However, some Wall Street analysts are now expressing doubts about the buying opportunities in these high-performing stocks. Companies like Tesla, Apple, and Alphabet, which were once considered the biggest winners of the year, are now facing downgrades that suggest a potential change in market sentiment.

Wall Street Analysts’ Perspective

UBS analyst Lloyd Walmsley recently downgraded Alphabet shares from Buy to Neutral. In his note, Walmsley stated that it was challenging to model upside to the current high-single-digit growth estimates for the company. This downgrade adds to a growing list of big tech analysts cautioning about the future upside in the 2023 rally. Just a few weeks ago, Walmsley’s colleague at UBS, David Vogt, downgraded Apple from Buy to Neutral, citing the likelihood of growth remaining under pressure. Furthermore, Tesla has faced downgrades from three analysts in less than two weeks, indicating a growing concern about its future performance.

Market Pricing and Future Earnings

It’s important to note that these downgrades don’t necessarily indicate a gloomy outlook for these tech stalwarts. In fact, analysts still expect these stocks to perform well. The downgrades suggest that the market is finally pricing in the potential for future earnings, which means that the stocks might be fairly valued at their current levels. Goldman Sachs analyst Mark Delaney, who downgraded Tesla from Buy to Neutral, raised his price target while stating that the stock better reflects the company’s long-term growth potential and competitive positioning after its substantial YTD rally.

Changing Market Narrative and Investor Sentiment

The unexpected rally and market narrative around Tesla have caught many investors off guard. Morgan Stanley analyst Adam Jonas admitted that he did not anticipate the 111% YTD rally in Tesla’s stock price, which far exceeded the performance of the broader market. He emphasized that the market narrative around Tesla has changed, and there is now a significant degree of investor skepticism and lack of exposure to the stock. One potential risk for Tesla is the ongoing debate among Wall Street analysts about whether it should be considered primarily an electric-vehicle maker or an artificial intelligence play.

Macro Strategists’ Warning Call

Macro strategists are also sounding a warning call, particularly regarding the S&P 500’s upside potential. Despite several recent upgrades to the index, many strategists don’t see significant upside beyond 4,500 points. This reflects a modest 3% upside for the benchmark index for the remainder of the year. Truist Co-Chief Investment Officer Keith Lerner, for example, revised his S&P 500 year-end range to 3,800-4,500 from 3,400-4,300. Lerner highlighted the rich valuations and concentration risks in the technology sector but emphasized that the current situation is far from resembling the dot-com bubble of 2000.


In conclusion, the recent downgrades on tech stocks by Wall Street analysts suggest a shift in market sentiment and a more realistic approach to pricing future earnings. While some of these downgrades may indicate caution about future growth, they don’t necessarily paint a gloomy picture for these companies. The market is adjusting to the substantial rally and assessing the long-term growth potential of these tech stalwarts. Additionally, macro strategists are warning about limited upside potential for the broader market, including the technology sector. It’s essential for investors to consider these factors and exercise caution when making investment decisions.


1. Why are Wall Street analysts downgrading the biggest winners of the stock market?

Wall Street analysts are downgrading stocks like Tesla, Apple, and Alphabet because they believe the market has already priced in the potential for future earnings. These downgrades don’t necessarily indicate a negative outlook but rather a more realistic assessment of the stocks’ current valuations.

2. Should investors be concerned about the downgrades?

While downgrades may signal caution about future growth, they shouldn’t be seen as definitive predictions of a stock’s performance. Investors should consider multiple factors, including their own investment goals and risk tolerance, before making any investment decisions.

3. What is the significance of the changing market narrative around Tesla?

The changing market narrative around Tesla reflects a shift in investor sentiment and expectations. The stock’s remarkable rally has led to increased skepticism and a lack of exposure among investors. There is ongoing debate about whether Tesla should be viewed primarily as an electric-vehicle maker or an artificial intelligence play.

4. Why are macro strategists warning about limited upside potential for the S&P 500?

Macro strategists are cautious about the S&P 500’s upside potential due to rich valuations and concentration risks in the technology sector. While they acknowledge the strong performance of the market, they believe it’s important to exercise caution and consider potential pullbacks before making investment decisions.

5. How should investors approach the current market situation?

Investors should conduct thorough research, diversify their portfolios, and consider their long-term investment goals. It’s essential to assess individual stocks based on their fundamentals and growth potential. Additionally, seeking guidance from a financial advisor can provide valuable insights and help navigate the complexities of the stock market.


  1. Zack
    27th Jun 2023 Reply

    So we shouldn’t buy these stocks for the time being?

    • Tim
      30th Jun 2023 Reply

      Going from Buy to Neutral means that the stock has now the right price (or as much as the market is willing to pay) and includes future earnings. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t buy, it just means that these stocks won’t make as much profit now. Long term they are still a great investment but short and medium term, there are others that are better.

  2. Kyle
    27th Jun 2023 Reply

    Could you guys create a guide on what you would do if you had $1000, $10.000 or $100.000 to invest right now?

    • Jon
      28th Jun 2023 Reply

      And maybe update this guide every 3-6 months? That would be a page I would bookmark and come back to a lot.

    • DJ
      30th Jun 2023 Reply

      That would be very useful. And how about looking back a bit, maybe 5 or more years back and seeing what would have been some great, good and bad investments to make with those 3 amounts. Like they say, if you don’t learn history you’re doomed to repeat it.

      • Matt
        01st Jul 2023 Reply

        I second both these ideas. We can learn a lot from both the past and by trying to predict the future. Would also add investments to make when your budget is limited to $300-$500 as there are plenty of people that want to start investing but don’t want to risk more than a few hundred dollars.

  3. Chris
    28th Jun 2023 Reply

    I think Tesla is both an AI player and an electric-vehicle maker although I would say Musk would phrase this another way.

  4. Joseph Clark
    29th Jun 2023 Reply

    Well it was about time the prices “caught” up with reality I guess. Better invest in some other companies for the time being. Long term, the big guys are still a go.

    • Stephen J.
      18th Jul 2023 Reply

      Long term, yes. Short term investments should focus on AI, copper, green energy, etc. VERSES AI is still very underpriced.

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